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A Day at the Beach

"This etching was drawn while enjoying a day at the beach. Two people sit in chairs near the surf enjoying the sound. A person has left the beach umbrella shade to take a little swim. A sailboat is about to come by and ships are on the horizon. Beach pails and shovels are near the sandcastle which was built and the day was so peaceful."

Mounted: $48
Available in "Shop"
Unmounted: $44
Photo in progress  


Photo in progress




Sheet size app. 7  x  8 inches.

Edition of 185.

Signed in pencil.

Printed by the artist.


Etching and Engraving.

Plate size 3 7/8  x  4 7/8 inches.


Click for example of an etching, mounted & unmounted

South Florida Beach Region - Landscape Etching by Stephanie Scott, artist, Title "A Day at the Beach"