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Miss O'Connor's Farm, Milledgeville

This etching was drawn in my home town of Milledgeville, Georgia, looking out across the fields of Andalusia, the home of the famous author, Flannery O’Connor, who was also from my home town of Milledgeville. Flannery O’Connor lived on this farm and did much of her writing there. In her short life, she became an internationally known novelist and short story writer. I had remembered this landscape since I was a little girl and later went back and sat in the field and drew this etching.

Also available at the Andalusia Foundation Museum Gift Shop, Milledgeville, GA

Mounted: $295
Available in "Shop"
Unmounted: $270

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Etching and Engraving.

Plate size 14 3/8 inches  x  17 3/4 inches.

Sheet size app. 21  x  23 1/2 inches.

Edition of 200.

Signed in pencil.

Printed by the artist.









Georgia Lake Country Region - Landscape Etching by Stephanie Scott, etcher, Title "Miss O'Connor's Farm, Milledgeville"